Test & Tag Training in Auckland

Test & Tag Training is New Zealands's leading provider of test and tag training, having conducted courses now for over 18 years, back with lifetime support.

We offer a face-to-face course at our modern training facility in Auckland. Alternatively, you can get certified online from the comfort of your home by choosing our Online Test & Tag Course.

We also offer on-site test & tag training and can have one of our instructors come to your venue or workplace if you have a group of people needing test and tag qualification.

Online Test & Tag Course

This course is your online alternative and contains exactly the same information and resources as our face-to-face course.

It's the only Test & Tag Course in New Zealand that is solely taught online.

The course offers a fully immersive and interactive test and tag training experience through our easy-to-use online learning platform in a virtual classroom.

Enrol Now

What to Expect on Your Course Day

Esther - Test & Tag Trainer

Meet Our Auckland Trainer

Esther is a passionate trainer with many years of experience delivering safety and sustainability courses in the electrical sector.

Working with both adult learners and school students, Esther brings fantastic energy to the classroom and is committed to ensuring our students learn the skills needed to improve workplace safety.

Esther is also a student of te reo Māori and recognises the importance of acknowledging and working with different ethnicities and cultures within the learning environment.