Can You Test & Tag Your Own Equipment?

Can You Test & Tag Your Own Equipment?

According to New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 3760, you are allowed to test and tag your own equipment, but only if you have been deemed a 'Competent Person'. Getting this title can be done a number of ways, most notably by completing a 1-day Test & Tag Course. You don't need to be an electrician or have any kind of electrical background knowledge.

The process of testing and tagging your own equipment is the same as testing any other equipment that's not yours. You start off with visually inspecting the appliance for any damage (most failed items will occur at this first step), followed by electrical testing it with a Portable Appliance Tester.

Once tested, the item is labelled with a test tag that indicates who tested it, the date of the test and when the next test is due. The same process is followed when testing new equipment or before reselling second-hand equipment.

For people new to the industry or that need extra support, you can refer to our "how to" guides which cover the most common type of appliances.

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